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Workforce Development Committee Work Plan 2018/19
Provide guidance, support and advice on training and workforce development in Laboratory Genetics
Develop WDC page on the ACGS website with sub sections for each group.
Sub group to work on pre-registration Scientist training
Sub group to work on Apprenticeships
Development of Technologist training leads group
Ensure synergy between organisational and educational agendas, both at local and national level.
Ensure appropriate representation at national level and communication where necessary
Maintain an effective Training Officers group
Development of Technologist training leads group
Ensure that service and workforce considerations are central to the development of Healthcare Science training.
Respond to consultations as appropriate
Maintain robust links with appropriate bodies e.g. NSHCS; HEE; Genomics Education
Collect and collate workforce data from the NHS Genetic Laboratories and offer advice on staffing configuration for effective service delivery and development, for example to Health Education England and the Centre for Workforce Intelligence.
Workforce data to be collected.
Report to be generated and published on line.
Any arising actions to be included in work plan.
Collate information regarding roles and responsibilities across the various career stages in order to develop and deliver fit for purpose training and support continuous professional development.
Undertake work relating to standardisation of job tiles and roles and responsibilities.
Provide detail on HCS Apprenticeships
Further action required re: development of senior technologist roles.
Work collaboratively with key stakeholders involved in Healthcare Science training and development.
Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS)
National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS)
Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath)
Association of Clinical Scientists (ACS)
Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS).
Support and promote appropriate registration for all staff groups within Laboratory Genetics.
Provide detail on the ACGS website
Work collaboratively with other Life Science disciplines to promote careers in Healthcare Science.
Further action required
Promote effective communication between the Committee and the ACGS membership.
Maintain WDC pages on AGCS website with information as appropriate