16th September 2024
17th January 2024
The ACGS is organising a virtual study group for the FRCPath Part 1 in Molecular Pathology exam September 2024. The group is designed for registered Clinical Scientists and HSSTs who are planning to sit the exam in 2024. ACGS membership is not a pre-requisite for joining this group.
The format will incorporate notes, essay plans, and additional interactive formats. A virtual meeting will be arranged for Wednesday 31st January 10-11am to introduce the facilitating group, outline the structure of this year’s group, and provide an opportunity to ask questions.
If you would like to participate, please could you email : persephone.duparcq@nhs.net, katya.mokretar@nhs.net by EOP Friday 26th January. Topic areas can then be divided up and an example schedule drawn up. The study group will start in February. We would like to stress that this is a self-help group, and the role of the organisers is to facilitate the group. They are not examiners and hold no affiliation with the Royal College of Pathologists.
Additional volunteers with FRCPath part 1 who are willing to help facilitate would be hugely appreciated, particularly those who have previously benefited from the study group.