Monday 31st March
Working effectively in the NHS
Benefits of being a Foundation Trust - Peter Herring
Managing Lean Organisations - David Fillingham
Transformers: Cytogeneticists in Disguise - Lucy Platts
Evaluation and Implementation of Machine-assisted Slide Processing - Charlotte Gregory
Validation of the Hanabi-PIII Robotic Metaphase Cell Harvester - Juliana Groisman
FISH and CHIPS in CLL - Angela Douglas
Immunostimulatory oligonucleotide-induced metaphase cytogenetics for improved detection of chromosomal abnormalities in CLL - David Bohanna
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia with t(7;21)(p22;q22): A new recurrent semi-cryptic RUNX1 rearrangement - Mark Sales
To propose a reliable means of identifying plasma cells (PCs) from haematological bone marrow smears (BMSs) prior to fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) studies for patients referred for multiple myeloma (MM) - Layla Nadine Al-Bustani
Development of concurrent plasma cell FISH and immuno-fluorescent staining for use in the diagnosis of multiple myeloma - Dave Wallace
Extending FISH analysis of Paediatric Tumours - Rachel Newby
Detection of human telomerase gene (TERC) amplification in cervical cancer: An Update - Renata Crookes
The use of M-FISH to investigate genome instability in cells exposed to orthopaedic implant wear debris - Martin Figgitt
Exploration of HER-2 gene status by MLPA in patients with aberrant HER-2 FISH patterns - Lesley McMahon